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Marketing Write for Us (2)

Marketing Write for Us

To own market, company start by thinking of new way to define market. Take, for instance, case of Convex Computer. In 1984, Convex was looking to put new computer on market. Because of existing market segmentation, Convex could have seen its only choice as competing for market share in predefined market: in supercomputers where Cray dominated or in minicomputer where Digital led. Determine to define market it could own.

History of Marketing

To some marketer, creation of almost unlimited customer choice represent threat—particularly when choice is accompanied by new competitors. Twenty years ago, IBM had only 20 competitor; today it faces more than 5,000, when you count any company that is in the “computer” business. Twenty years ago, there were fewer than 90 semiconductor companies; today there are almost 300 in United States. And not only competitor are new, and also bringing with them new product and new scheme, but customer also are new: 90% of people who used computer in 1990 were not using one in 1980. These new customer don’t know about old rule, old understanding, or old way of doing business—

Convex created “mini-supercomputer” market by offering product with price/performance ratio between Cray’s $5 million to $15 million supercomputers and Digital’s $300,000 to $750,000 minicomputer. Convex’s product, priced between $500,000 and $800,000, offer technological performance less than that of full supercomputer and more than that of minicomputer.

Today technology has created promise of “anything, anyway, any time.” Customer have their own version of almost any product, including one that demand to mass identification rather than individuality. Think of product or an industry customization is not main. The telephone? Initially, Bell Telephone’s goal was to place simple, all-black phone in every home. Today there are more than 1,000 variation and combination available, with option running range from different color and movability to answering machine and programmability—as well as services. There is further promise of optical fiber and coming together of computer and communication into united industry with even greater technological choice.

Every business’s success largely depend on type of marketing strategy they arrange as marketing is present across all stage of business, from beginning to end. So, it is essential for business to conduct wide research, know their target audience well, make complete sale and marketing management plan and also choose marketing channel wisely.

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business management
trade association
marketing research
trade shows
advertising campaigns
business process
market research
product placement
awareness of
loyalty to
sales process engineering

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