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What is extortion? – Laws, Penalty, and More


Extortion of Definition

The extortion traditionally covered only public and government officials’ actions, though today, the crime applies to private citizens’ activities.

In some states, extortion applies to public officials’ acts, while blackmail applies to private citizens’ actions, even though the same type of activities involves.

And extortion occurs when someone attempts to obtain money and property by threatening to commit violence. And also accuse the victim of a crime, and reveal private and damaging information about the victim.


1. Threats

  • Extortion base upon some threat. Also, the person who makes the threat must intend it commits the injury and harmful action against the victim.
  • For example, under the law, the person commits extortion by threatening to injure the victim and another person.
  • It accuses the victim of a crime or some other disgraceful conduct, exposes the secret, and reports the person to immigration.
  • A person makes the threat verbally, in writing, and even though non-verbal gestures and other communications. In some states, merely making the threat is enough to qualify as a crime.

2. Intent

  • A person commits extortion when making the threat with the specific intention of forcing someone else they provide money, property, and something of value.
  • However, the intent not bases on the defendant’s statements alone but rather upon the circumstances and facts surrounding the threat.
  • In other words, the prosecutor proves the accused intended to deprive the victim of property without taking to show what remains going on in the defendant’s head.

3. Fear

  • When someone makes the threat and attempts extortion, the threat itself must cause fear in the victim.
  • And the fear bases on almost anything, such as the fear of violence, economic loss, social stigma, deportation, and anything else that might cause the victim to act and hand over the property.
  • However, the victim’s experiences don’t need to fear, but only that the accused intended to cause fear.
  • Also, the person who experiences fear doesn’t necessarily make the accused guilty of extortion, as the accused must intentionally cause the anxiety to gain property.

4. Property

  • The type of property someone tries it obtain when using extortion encompasses almost anything that takes value.
  • However, the property doesn’t need the actual physical stuff, and its property does not take the money value.
  • It’s also unnecessary for the accused to deprive the victim of property, attempting to extort property and the crime.
  • The courts also held that the property involved in extortion includes property cash, tangible goods, liquor licenses, debts, and even agreements not competing in business.
  • And sexual acts it also typically covered, though some states take specific laws that govern sexual extortion.


  • Though states provide a wide range of extortion penalties, the greatest often punishes as a felony offense.
  • A felony the most severe crime category, once that punishable by at least the year in prison and significant fines.
  • In some states and some situations, however, the crime they classified as a misdemeanor, in which case it takes lower fines and jail sentences associated with it.

1. Fines

  • The fines use extortion range widely. Also, but as much as extra for each conviction.

2. Restitution

  • In addition to fines, the person convicted of extortion must often pay restitution to the victim.
  • And its especially when the victim deprives them of valuable property.
  • Unlike the fine, which pays to the state, restitution pays the victim as compensation for the victim’s loss.

3. Incarceration

  • Prison sentences for extortion it significant. And state laws allow for prison sentences of up to 15 years and extra for each extortion attempt.

4. Probation

  • Courts also impose probation sentences for an extortion conviction. And courts it extra likely to use the probation sentence.
  • When someone fails at attempted extortion and it did not otherwise result in the victim’s property loss.
  • Its probation sentences typically last for 12 months and extra. It includes the fine and requires that the convicted person complies with the court’s specific terms.
  • Also, keeping the job and not contacting the victim. And failing to comply with probation terms typically results in having to serve a prison sentence.

What is Purpose-driven Content Marketing? – Definition, Benefits, Organizes


Purpose-driven Content Marketing Definition

Purpose-driven content marketing means the business and brand bond with the target audience.

And it bases on the shared needs and interests – including interest in supporting the worthy cause.

But while most organizations recognize the importance of giving back,’ they did not continually accustom to creating content around the efforts.

It method that both engage the audience and drive them to participate. And success in this stadium all about developing.

And the right strategy and executing it authentic, organic way brings mutual benefit to everyone involved.

What are the Benefits Of Purpose-Driven Marketing?

  • We all like to feel the part of something bigger, and we want to feel we are making a difference in the world.
  • During the significant change in how and why consumers connect with brands, those driving social changes are bang on-trend.
  • Today, brand values are equally important to consumers as the functional benefits they can offer.
  • And meaningful brand action vital for building relationships and gaining customer loyalty.
  • And CEOs can say sure that existence judges by the impact on society extra than anything else.

Who Organizes Purpose-Driven Marketing Well?

  • The prodigious dove example of the brand employs purpose-driven marketing.
  • And the mission to improve the self-esteem and confidence of women around the world.
  • Through the speak beautiful movement and campaign that highlights the concept that beauty skin deep.
  • They want to realize committing to women’s comfort – and for consumers to see them as so much extra than soap and moisturizer.
  • It ingenious, heartfelt strategy. It might not directly impact profit, but it makes Dove extra relatable to women around the world.
  • And it shows the different profound qualities in the industry where vanity and superficial appearance it prevalent.

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What is Content Republishing? – Definition, 4 Content Republishing Works


Content Republishing Definition

Content republishing the regular production of editorial content takes lots of time and effort.

And blogposts must appear regularly, meet the target audience’s requirements, and advertise on different channels.

However, the reach of content always ties to the channel. Not all potential recipients it reaches.

And republishing of content can extend reach through the multichannel approach with little effort. However, it requires a content marketing strategy.

Therefore, content planning, available formats, and the target group must come before content republishing.

Any energy already invests in the editorial plan use several times in content republishing. Outdated blog posts, for example, it’s updated with little effort.

Other forms of content created from the blog post, for example, create infographics based on the published post’s information.

And content republishing aims to optimize existing content to add value for readers, but the effort on the part of the provider for less than the original content creation.

How Content Republishing Works?

  • Content republishing done in several four steps. Each step attends by few key questions.

1. Analysis

  • Which content must beneficial to republish? Which blog posts, whitepapers, and infographics generated how much traffic? What do other KPIs look like, such as the length of stay, scrolling, or the number of incoming links?
  • And which content obsolete and no longer up-to-date? These and other questions identify possible content for the republication and recommend it for modification or media planning updates.

2. Relevance

  • Which content appears particularly relevant for the respective target group? Which channel is suitable for republishing content.
  • These questions plan to enable the content’s strategic alignment and, if the implementation is accurate, increase reach.

3. Markup

  • It must certain content gives the canonical URL? Should the URL change? Which keywords must maintain and supplement? Which keywords take the unique potential for improvements in ranking?
  • Must it link added to the content? The reuse of content dependent on SEO-compliant markup, regardless of whether it’s our own and third-party content.
  • In any case, duplicate content must avoid. And metadata such as canonical tags and meta descriptions just as valuable as the transparent handling of sources and references.
  • Since the outdated content already remains indexed, it advisable not to change its URL. There are gaps in the keyword strategy it located to cover terms or optimize these terms’ ranking.

4. Republishing

  • Reuse of content, like content marketing, dependent on the efficient marketing of content. The range and outreach only when optimized.
  • Suppose the content advertise in a certain way. For example, updated blogposts can share again on social networks.
  • And microblogs or integrated into the newsletter campaign. And it’s reaching the readership along with influencers central to the highest possible coverage of the target group.

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What is the Sales Funnel? – Definition, Examples, use


Sales Funnel Definition

With the various sales funnel software providers, we might be wondering what the sales funnel is?

Suppose we work in sales and marketing for the long. We know that leads can be at varying buyer process stages.

It depends on the complexity of our product and service, and it might take months to nurture and convert this lead into a customer.

If done right, then set up to streamline its process and hopefully give the user a better all-around buyer experience.

That ultimately guides them to what they were looking for, and viola, they make the purchase!…and even better, become a loyal customer.

Our sales funnel made up of series of steps that consist of various marketing assets, for example, social media campaigns, landing pages, and email.

And also it software can provide us with a complete view of our sales and marketing efforts and results at a glance.

What are Examples Sales Funnel?

  • A sales funnel for the entrepreneur offering online courses in marketing might look the bit like this:
  • User sees the ad on Facebook offering SEO tips with the call-to-action that states. And download the complete guide to SEO.
  • And the user-directed to the landing page can download the guide and opt-in to receive the entrepreneur’s emails.
  • The next day she receives a newsletter that contains a link to the courses offered.
  • The user signs up for one of the courses.
  • We continue to receive newsletters with discounts on course fees and sign up again.
  • These actions in the buyer’s journey tracked in the sales funnel software used by the entrepreneur, meaning that we can see which point users are dropping off and where they’re converting.

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When to use Sales Funnel Software?

  • If we start, then using sales funnel software might fit us as our upfront costs that kept to the minimum.
  • We won’t need to worry about hiring the web developer and signing up for the dozen tools.
  • However, we want to sure that the software we go for includes what we need.
  • For example, while some offer webinar hosting, others may not, if crucial, part of our business.
  • We want to find a provider that caters to our needs. If we already signed up for the number of tools.
  • We take to assess costs and if it’s worth taking out its service. While we can integrate to the software with other apps, this might impact the user experience and be more hassle for you.

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What is the Potential Gross Income? – vs., Formula, and More


The potential gross income also recognizes as gross scheduled income. The total income property will produce if it fully leases the subject property at the prevailing market rents.

And frankly, the ideal number, often different from the actual rent that the property produces. Specifically, we can not collect gross scheduled income for various reasons, including:

Rent is above or below market.

And the occupancy rate less than 100%.

And some tenants are not paying the rent.

Also, the landlord rebates part of the tenant’s rent.

It also part of the property temporarily not rentable.

Therefore, gross scheduled income, the target number, achievable in some properties and not in others.

Ultimately, as we shall see, gross scheduled income is different from adequate gross income.

What is the Gross Scheduled Income vs. Effective Gross Income?

  • Adequate gross income EGI is different from gross potential income. And the difference involves three main factors that affect rent collections.

1. Expense Reimbursements

  • First, tenants pay expense reimbursements. Generally, It includes insurance, maintenance, and real estate taxes. In contrast, the absolute net lease requires the tenant to pay all expenses.

2. Collection and Vacancy Loss

  • Secondly, the factor that reduces PGI to EGI collection and vacancy loss. And collection loss the projected amount of rent that we won’t able to collect for the period.
  • Also alarmingly, this can stem from various factors, such as rent strikes, squatters, evictions, and deadbeats.
  • And vacancy loss occurs when we can’t rent out all of our available units. Alternatively, someone can move out before there the replacement tenant.
  • During the lease-up phase of the new property, we must recruit and sign new tenants.
  • It obviously, and takes time, which creates vacancy loss. And clearly, we hope to stabilize the property at 100% occupancy as soon as possible.

3. Additional Income

  • Thirdly, other income sources impact EGI. These include laundry machines, vending machines, parking, storage units, pet fees, late fees, etc.
  • Mainly, we can estimate the EGI factors using industry benchmarks, comparable properties.
  • And historical performance, the judges consider all these factors when evaluating properties.

What is the Potential Gross Income Formula?

  • The formula for PGI :
  • PGI = Σ (market-level rent per unit x number of teams at that rent)
  • Σ means sum.
  • It covers all cases in which different units take the same and different rents.

How Calculate the Gross Scheduled Income?

  • Here how we calculate gross scheduled income. In the spreadsheet, please list all of our units in Column A.
  • For column B, enter the monthly rent for each unit. For Column C, but the product of 12 times B. Finally, sum Column C to arrive at the gross scheduled income.

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What is Weighted Scoring Prioritization? – Definition, Uses, Product


Weighted scoring prioritization Definition

Weighted scoring prioritization uses in numerical scoring to rank our strategic initiatives against benefit and cost categories.

It is helpful for product teams looking for objective prioritization techniques that factor in multiple layers of data.

And weighted scoring is the prioritization framework designs to help us decide how to prioritize features and other initiatives on our product roadmap.

With its framework, initiatives are scored according to standard criteria on a cost-versus-benefits basis and then ranked by their final scores.

The weighted scoring approach aims to derive an objective, quantitative business value for each competing item on your list. We can use those values to determine which items must prioritize on our roadmaps.

How is Weighted Scoring uses?

  • The weighted scoring model is instrumental in product management, but its utility is not limited to this field.
  • For example, if the company wanted to select the right piece of capital equipment among several choices.
  • It creates a standard set of metrics—the combination of both benefits and costs—to score each piece of the type of equipment.
  • The “weighted” feature comes from the fact that the company will deem specific criteria more important than others and, therefore, give those criteria a higher potential portion of the overall score.
  • In continuing with these examples, the company might assign more “weight” to the complexity and time to implement the given piece of equipment than it transfers to the cost of buying it.
  • A more straightforward example of weighted scoring—one many of us are familiar with—uses it on school tests.
  • And teachers who deem the essay portion of the exams extra critical than multiple-choice sections. It gives those essays a more significant percentage of the student’s overall grades than their multiple-choice answers.
  • And also its using this same thinking, students who take both the small quiz and a final exam. It approaching soon in the same class will intuitively give more attention to preparing for the last. They understand the final exam takes a greater weight on the overall grade in the study.

How the Product Managers use Weighted Scoring?

  • In the product context, weighted scoring prioritization works as follows.

Step 1:

  • It compiles the list of the features and other initiatives under consideration.

Step 2:

  • Devise the list of criteria, including both costs and benefits, on which it’s scoring each of these initiatives.
  • The screenshot here shows a team’s example using six scoring criteria—three costs, three benefits—to rank five competing product initiatives’ relative strategic value.

Step 3:

  • It determines the respective weights of each criterion we are using to evaluate our competing initiatives.
  • For example, let’s determine that the benefit “Increase Revenue” it must weighted more heavily in the overall score than the cost “Implementation Effort.”
  • Then we want to assign a more significant percentage of the overall score to Increase Revenue.

Step 4:

  • Assign individual scores for each potential feature and initiative across all of our cost-and-benefit metrics, and then calculate these overall scores to determine how to rank our list of items.

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What is the Quarterly Release Plan? – Need, Benefits, and More


The quarterly release plan its high-level visual summary of what new and updated capabilities the product introduces to users.

It even extra abstracted from details and specifics than the typical visual product roadmap as it encapsulates what’s it come in each quarter versus each particular release.

Why Do We Need the Quarterly Release Plan?

  • The quarterly release plan is best suited for occasions and audiences that don’t need and mustn’t see—exactly what’s happening when.
  • It’s the opportunity to expand on the product vision, significant themes, and key objectives for the product without mud the water with too much minutia.
  • And quarterly release plans it appropriate for investors and board members who care about the broad strokes and less concerned with individual ship dates and details.
  • They also appropriate for customers and prospects since it avoids too much commitment to deadlines and individual items.
  • Also, press and analysts might target quarterly release plans. They convey the product strategy’s intention and direction without raising expectations, giving too much to competitors.
  • And internally, the quarterly release plans it informative and inspirational artifact for the broad audience.
  • Such as at the company all-hands meeting. Some internal teams, such as product development. It requires extra nitty-gritty details.
  • On the other hand, it might provide adequate granularity for sales, marketing, and operational functions.

What are the Benefits of the Quarterly Release Plan?

  • The quarterly release plans hit the sweet spot between vague vision statements and super-specific project plans. Also, illustrate the product’s direction, how it gets there, and what stakeholders can expect.
  • They simultaneously prevent strategic discussions from getting sidetracked into debates regarding specific features and arbitrary release dates.
  • While there are still questions regarding the prioritization of initiatives and the corresponding rationale, conversations less likely turn into fierce debates, given the details’ intentional vagueness.
  • And quarterly release plans it excellent for illustrating the power of themes. Without unnecessary implementation details and specific features, the audience focuses on the significant steps to execute the strategy.
  • It also elevates the importance of KPIs, outcomes, and north star metrics, showing how individuals’ principles guide the product’s plans and not merely checkboxes by adding the particular feature and enhancement.
  • It essential to get some resistant stakeholders over the hump of accepting the fluidity requires embracing experimentations, responsiveness, and an Agile approach to delivery.

What are the Tips for Sharing our Quarterly Release Plan?

  • It’s tempting to fire it off the entire company and bask in the praises. But how we present the quarterly release plan as key as its contents.
  • Also, just as important as understanding the varying levels of information for each audience, knowing the interests and motivations of whom we were presenting vital.
  • And try anticipating the concerns and likely questions, and be ready with well-considered answers. If something controversial and disappointing, prepare for those complaints with a carefully worded response. And set the stage for success by first covering the company and product goals and objectives.
  • It’s way, and we can position the plan as the method for achieving those. People must walk away, agreeing that the team’s choices intend to impact KPIs as possible positively.

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What is the Role of Wisdom in Business Management? – Definition, Position, Gain


Role of wisdom in Business Definition

The role of wisdom in business management to succeed in today’s competitive global economy requires companies to assess leadership levels.

Do they take extra bosses than leaders? Is the management intelligent and wise? Smart leaders know to solve problems.

But wise leaders also strive to pursue the pro founds understanding to see how far the limits it pushes to achieve success.

While there are many qualities of the leader that companies value, it’s wisdom in business management that profoundly affects the bottom Landon those who support the company’s mission.

What is the Position of Wisdom in the Business Management?

  • The role wisdom in business management goes beyond meeting goals. Wise leaders make specific leadership skills that transcend the standard requirements of a job.
  • Also, it including the approach to decision-making. Wise leaders do not make wrong decisions; instead, they are affected by their team’s varying perceptions and those outside the company.
  • Decision informs by the personal experience and the experience of others and considers what good not only for the company but also society.
  • The wise leaders model and encourage free thinking and risk-taking because it believes testing theories and arguing outcomes cultivate wisdom for all it involves.
  • The different way they aim to maximize the potential of others is by pushing them far enough. So they just over the personal threshold of existence uncomfortable. Why? Because presence in the state of slight discomfort it fosters wisdom as well as breed creativity.
  • At the heart of all business people, wise leaders know how to carry out the best in others and assemble them to achieve greatness.

How to Gain Wisdom in Leadership Development?

  • Gaining wisdom takes time, but everyone takes the capacity to become wiser. Here are the few ways to develop leadership traits that container influence our understanding.

1. Enrich our life

  • Wise leaders do extra listening than talking. They seek ways to continually grow to understand the breadth and depth of the world around them.
  • They take the quest for knowledge that knows no bounds. And graduate degrees such as the online MBA, the master’s degree in leadership, and the business management degree.
  • It helps impart knowledge and skills to transform professionals into wise leaders who positively impact others.

2. Improve your emotional intelligence

  • Unlike presence born with the top IQ, emotional intelligence also improves. Wise leaders tend to take high emotional intelligence.
  • It includes self-awareness, personal understanding of values and others’ values, and respecting those around them.
  • Invest in the development of others
    It container with lonely at the top and wise leaders understand the importance of investing in the team.
  • When developing others through mentorship, coaching, and leading by example, wise leaders increase wisdom through natural reciprocity.

3. Be authentic and accurate to our self

  • Wise leaders understand choices and the impact on the world around them. Authenticity creates opportunity.

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