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How to Structure our Day for Maximum Productivity? – 4 Ways


Structure our day the 8-hour workday it creates during the industrial revolution its effort to cut down on the number of manual labor hours that workers stay force to endure on the factory floor.

Its breakthrough was the extra humane approach to work two hundred years ago, yet it possesses little relevance for us today.

Like our ancestors, we expected to put in 8-hour days, working in long, continuous blocks of time, with few and no breaks. Heck, most people even work right through the lunch hour!

Its antiquated approach to work they not helping us; it’s holding us back.

What are The Best Ways to Structure our Day?

  • In measuring people’s activity, It stumbled upon the fascinating finding that the workday’s length didn’t matter much and what mattered was how people structured their day.
  • In particular, religious people taking short breaks were far more productive than those who worked longer hours. And the ideal work-to-break ratio was 52 minutes of work, followed by 17 minutes of rest.
  • And people who maintained schedule needs the unique level of focus in work. For roughly an hour at the time, they were 100% dedicated to the task they need its accomplish.
  • And they didn’t check Facebook “real quick” or get distracted by e-mails when they felt fatigued again, after about an hour.
  • Also, they took short breaks, during which they completely separated themselves from their work. It helps them to dive back in refreshed for another productive hour of work.

1. Take Charge of our Workday

  • The 8-hour workday works for us. Suppose we break our time into strategic intervals. Once we align our natural energy with our effort, things begin to run much extra smoothly.

2. Break our day into Hourly Intervals

  • We certainly plan what we need to accomplish by the end of the day, the week, and the month. But we’re far extra effective when we focus on what we can achieve right now.
  • Beyond getting us into the right rhythm, planning our day around hour-long intervals simplifies daunting tasks by breaking them into manageable pieces.
  • If we want to be the literalist, we can plan our day around 52-minute intervals if we like, but an hour works just as well.

3. Respect our Hour

  • The intermission strategy only works because we use our peak energy levels. They reach too high focus in a reasonably short time.
  • When we disrespect our hour by texting, checking e-mails, or doing a quick Facebook check, we defeat the approach’s entire purpose.

4. Please don’t wait until our body tells us to take the break

    • If we wait until we feel tired to take the break, it’s too late—we already missed the window of peak productivity.
    • Keeping to our schedule ensures that our work when we the most productive. And that we rest during times that would otherwise be unproductive. Remember.
    • It’s far extra productive to rest for short periods than work when we weary and distracted.

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Also Read: What is the Promotional Mix? – Importance, Elements, and More

What is the Promotional Mix? – Importance, Elements, and More


Promotional mix mentions the specific combination of the tools, channels, and processes use to promote offerings.

How to say it, who tells it to, what channels you use to reach them, and how often you communicate.

What is the Importance of Promotional Mix?

  • Promotion completes up one of the four P’s in the marketing mix, and alongside Product, Price, and Place. That because the promotional strategy ties all of your other marketing activities together.
  • It strength the fantastic product, the most profitable pricing strategy, and the best possible location—but unless you’re sharing the right message with the right audience, your marketing efforts will fall flat.
  • It nailed all the other P’s in your marketing mix—but a carefully crafted strategy of the correct promotional mix elements can make the difference between success and failure.
  • And without adequate promotion, customers can’t learn about your product and service offerings and sales stifles.

What are the Four Essentials Promotional Mix Elements?

  • Each market is different, with different factors affecting your promotional mix. The biggest challenge for marketers?
  • It finds the best possible mix of promotional elements to maximize the results of its marketing efforts.
  • We look at five of the tools and techniques we use in a compelling promotional mix and the case study of companies employing these elements.

1. Advertising

  • Advertising is only helpful as its ability to realize. But with many brands vying for attention, campaigns lose effectiveness over time.
  • And raise awareness of the email service provider through catchy “mistaken” versions of the software company.

2. Public Relations

  • In public relations and publicity, companies share the message through existing channels—most often the press—by sharing something newsworthy, which the track then communicates with the audience.
  • And public relations tools and channels range from more traditional press releases to guerrilla marketing campaigns, special events, and sponsorships.
  • And publicity is more cost-effective than other promotional mix elements because it leverages existing brands and audiences.
  • But there are downfalls to PR; it difficult to judge whether campaigns are successful, and an industry-wide shift toward paid influencers is driving up costs.

3. Direct Marketing

  • Direct marketing, much like it sounds marketing directly to a person by communicating with a narrow group of potential customers.
  • Also companies promote the offerings through telephone marketing, snail mail, email, or catalogs and brochures.
  • And also it despite the abundance of offers from junk mail and telemarketers, direct marketing remains popular.
  • And also it gives companies a predictable and cost-effective way of reaching their target markets.
  • Also example, the popular promotional tactic of deploying email messages to people who have interacted with a service.

4. Sales Promotion

  • Sales promotions are the sledgehammers of the marketing world. A well-crafted sales promotion can generate immediate traffic and boost your short-term sales.
  • A sales promotion is an incentive, such as a discount or coupon, to persuade customers to purchase.
  • However, promotions tend to lose effectiveness quickly, so avoid becoming dependent on driving sales.
  • They are the best use as a supplement to other more sustainable promotional activities. Here are a couple of examples:
  • It sales promotion example found on a professional education website illustrates how sales often revolve around special times or events — in this case, the start of the new year.
  • Consumer products companies rely heavily on sales promotions to drive business. It evident by the popularity of Groupon and other services that help get their goods into consumers’ hands at sales prices.

Also Read: What is Market Segmentation? – Eight Benefits, Types, and More

What is Market Segmentation? – Eight Benefits, Types, and More


Market segmentation is the process of divides the target market into smaller, more defined categories.

It segments customers and audiences into groups with similar characteristics, such as demographics, interests, needs, or location.

What are the Eight Benefits of Market Segmentation?

  • Market segmentation is important because it makes it easier to focus on marketing efforts and resources to reach the most valuable audiences and achieve business goals.
  • Market segmentation allows us to get to know your customers, identify what needs in your market segment.
  • And it determines how you best meet those needs with your product or service. It helps you design and execute better marketing strategies from top to bottom.

1. Creates strong Marketing Messages

  • When you know whom you are talking to, it develops more vital marketing messages.
  • And avoid generic, vague language that speaks to a broad audience. Instead, it uses direct messaging that speaks to your target audience’s needs, wants, and unique characteristics.

2. Identify the most effective marketing Tactics

  • With dozens of marketing tactics available, it is challenging to know what will attract your ideal audience.
  • And using different types of market segmentation guides you toward the marketing strategies that will work best.
  • When you know the audience, you target it to determine the best solutions and methods for reaching them.

3. Design Hyper-targeted Ads

  • It targets audiences by age, location, purchasing habits, interests, and more on digital ad services. When it use market segmentation to define your audience, you know these detailed characteristics.
  • And it uses to create more effective, targeted digital ad campaigns.

4. Attract and convert Quality Leads

  • When marketing messages are clear, direct, and targeted, they attract the right people. And also, you draw in ideal prospects and are more likely to convert potential customers into buyers.

5. Differentiate the Brand from Competitors

  • Existence more specific about the value propositions and messaging also allows for standing out from competitors.
  • And instead of blending in with other brands. It also differentiates the brand by focusing on specific customer needs and characteristics.

6. Build deeper Customer Affinity

  • When you know what the customers want and need. It delivers and communicates offerings that uniquely serve and resonate with them.
  • Also, distinct values and messaging lead to stronger bonds between brands and customers and create lasting brand affinity.

7. Identify niche Market Opportunities

  • Niche marketing identifies segments of industries and verticals with a large audience that can serve in new ways.
  • When the segment your target market, you can find underserved niche markets to develop new products and services.

8. Stay focused

  • Targeting in marketing keeps messaging and marketing objectives on track.
  • And also it helps identify new marketing opportunities and avoid distractions that will lead you away from your target market.

What are the Four Types of Market Segmentation?

  • The four bases of market segmentation are:
  • Demographic segmentation
  • Psychographic segmentation
  • Behavioral segmentation
  • Geographic segmentation

Also Read: What is Content Marketing? – Strategy, SEO, and More

What is Content Marketing? – Strategy, SEO, and More


Content marketing is the strategic marketing approach focus on creates and distributing practical relevance.

And it consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience and ultimately to drive profitable customers.

Why is a Content Marketing Strategy Necessary?

  • Firstly, creating a suitable strategy for your specific business and target audience is how you stay loyal to the brand and make marketing materials as useful as possible.
  • Secondly, it’s vital to evaluate every asset for the value it adds to the strategy as a whole.
  • Lastly, and it makes adjustments that are needed. The 360-degree content marketing strategy educates customers, nurtures prospects, and closes sales.

How does SEO fits?

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing are the same in a practical sense.
  • They rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). It needs high-quality organic content. To know its keywords are the target in your copy and need SEO.
  • And SEO is the foundational component of content marketing in that it is often the centerpiece of all strategies and campaigns.
  • It optimizes the content and allows the opportunity to update modern audiences’ brand messaging and outrank competitors for high-value keywords.
  • And keep the web pages aligned with Google’s sitemap preferences.
  • It achieves content marketing goals, and SEO is often the best tactic to start it.

Ranking Factors

  • Inside the practice of SEO, there are specific ranking factors to consider.
  • According to Google, more than 200 search engine criteria weigh when it crawls and indexes the web pages.
  • An also it base on how the site and content fares in the assessments, an algorithm will serve your pages to searchers.
  • And some ranking signals are stronger than others, and also Google doesn’t frequently reveal each one’s exact weight. What we do know that the top factors include:
  • Links
  • And content
  • And rank brain
  • Direct web traffic
  • Mobile responsive design
  • Anchor text keywords
  • User behavior signals
  • In layman’s terms, everything it publishes on the web needs to 1) generate reputable backlinks, 2) be helpful to readers, and 3) and healthy click-through rate and reasonable time.
  • You can not do content without SEO, and you can’t do SEO without content – they are inseparable.

What are the Benefits of Content Marketing?

  • However, there are nearly endless benefits to employing a content marketing strategy.
  • It unifying the sales and marketing teams is a prized goal of every company, but it rarely achieves.
  • And with content marketing, both departments’ efforts feed into the same funnel, making scalable alignment as comfortable as ever.
  • For example, the marketing team is to leverage insights gleaned from sales calls and customer feedback.
  • And the sales department can complement their prospecting by distributing marketing collateral.

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    How to Create Great-Looking Facebook Ads? – Definition, 3 Types of Facebook ads

How to Create Great-Looking Facebook Ads? – Definition, 3 Types of Facebook ads


Facebook Ads – Definition

Facebook ads strength it appears straightforward at first. Just draft the engaging post, target a relevant audience, throw some money behind it, and get new leads. Not quite.

As many are likely aware, Facebook is a challenging space for advertisers. We are competing against many other businesses for attention and competing against people’s friends and families.

Why they someone engage with the ad when they see that the childhood friend just posted her wedding photographs?

And why Facebook ad images are visually enticing. If it’s not, the chances of getting clicks and conversions on Facebook become slim to none. Also, Facebook is the visual platform, which is part of why it’s understood so much success compete.

We do not only need outstanding media to share, but we also need to make sure that media is the right size and format to fit your ad.

And its high-quality visual content can have a significant impact on your conversion funnel,” says Nate Birt, a content marketer at visually.

Researchers note that visual content is processed differently from the text, from studying brain scans to tracking eye movements. Visuals communicate more information more effectively.

The brain processes are visual content 60,000 times faster than text. So what makes the engaging image for a Facebook ad?

What Types of Facebook ads are Requirements?

1. Single image ads

  • These are the most common and necessary Facebook ad types. While they are essential, they’re also helpful.
  • Because they are accessible for the Facebook browser to digest, ad type is also very versatile since it uses every Facebook objective (set for the ads).
  • Here are the specs for the single image ad
  • Image size: 1,200 X 628 pixels
  • Image ratio: 1.91:1
  • Text: 90 characters
  • Headline: 25 characters
  • Link description: 30 characters

2. Single Video Ad

  • Single video ads are just like the sound, the single video in the space where the image typically is. And they are lovely ad format because 45% of people watch more than an hour of Facebook videos a week.
  • A few things to keep in mind with Facebook videos is that the majority watch without sound, so utilizing captions is strongly recommended. Also, a video ad cannot exceed 60 minutes in length.
  • If they are interested in going the video ad format route, take a look at the specs below:
  • Video format: .move or .mp4 are preferable
  • Aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Resolution: at least 720p
  • File size: 2.3 GB max
  • Thumbnail image size: 1,200 x 675 pixels (*the aspect ratio of the thumbnail should match that of the video)
  • Text: 90 characters
  • Headline: 25 characters
  • Link description: 30 characters
  • How is the ad stand out from the pack of cute babies, brides, and puppies on your prospects’ Facebook feed? We’ll cover all this and much more in this guide.

3. Carousel Ads

  • Carousel ads allow the advertiser to create a carousel of images or videos easily moved by a set of arrows.
  • Its shows in the image below. Also, ad format is handy for eCommerce businesses looking to display multiple products in a single advertisement promoting their store or online shop.
  • Many other industries can reap benefits from engaging their viewers with different media by using this ad format.
  • Advertisers can display up to 10 images or videos within one Facebook ad that can link to different pages.
  • And compared to the single ad format, advertisers can now sell an additional nine products using a carousel. Pretty neat!
  • Check out the specs:
  • Image size/Thumbnail image size: 1,080 x 1,080 pixels
  • Image ratio/Video aspect ration: 1:1 (square)
  • Text: 90 characters
  • Headline: 40 characters
  • Link description: 20 characters
  • All other video specs (format, resolution, size size, etc.) are the same as the single video ad format above.

Also Read: How to Write Metrics for Business Goals? – Definition, five ways Metrics for Business Goals

How to Write Metrics for Business Goals? – Definition, five ways Metrics for Business Goals


Metrics for Business Goals Definition

Metrics for business goals determine whether its goals reach, but only if they have remains carefully chosen to represent progress towards central objectives.

Writing a metrics plan involves members of the business and client team to ensure they reflect expectations.

And once it distributes, periodic tracking ensures that you’ll continue to measure the right things to keep your business progressing.

Also Read:- Bloomergblog

1. Involve Workers

  • Developing metrics must be the group effort, with those performing front-line tasks offered input into the metrics involving their work.
  • The team must determine critical customer requirements and the work processes that achieve those requirements.
  • And it involved them in the writing of metrics serves two purposes. Also, it increases the metrics’ accuracy, and it encourages buy-in among those responsible for achieving them.
  • And also, it includes the customer as well, to ensure the results resolve it acceptable. There is no incentive in designing the metrics system that pleases the team. It’s also not going to please the client.

2. Determine Key Goals

  • Avoid the temptation to rely on inappropriate metrics. Because it’s easy to understand and extra comfortable to measure or because that’s how things take always remain complete.
  • And avoid it trap by focusing on our business’s primary goals and looking for metrics that measure progress towards each. When writing out the metrics, take a copy of your business goals, objectives.
  • And vision statement is hard to make sure we are focused on where we want the business to go. Before committing to the metric, ask yourself whether it addresses the underlying objectives.
  • Suppose we are looking to build a multilingual workforce, for example. In that case, we might decide that adding a few employees with fluency.

3. Develop Benchmarks

  • Writing metrics requires the clarification of basic expectations. Develop these benchmarks based on staff capabilities, past performance, and industry standards.
  • When we are assigning targets, be realistic about what we team it achieve. Don’t set goals that are so comfortable they met with little effort or signposts so far distant that they seem discouragingly out of reach.

4. Smart Metrics

  • Metrics must focus on smart objectives – that is, goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. And concentrating on SMART metrics avoids common problems like focusing on the vague objective.
  • It improves customer service in favor of something more precise (“decrease customer complaints by 25 percent every quarter for the next four quarters”).
  • For the time-bound portion, make sure that metrics include both short-term and long-term goals. So we determine progress at each stage. Write and distribute these SMART metrics for approval.

5. Track Progress

  • In addition to following progress towards critical metrics, periodically reevaluate whether measuring is meeting your goals.
  • Just because we decided to measure one data point initially does not mean it company in stone. If it isn’t moving us closer to our business goals, it’s time to replace it with a metric that will.

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What is Online Business on Autopilot? 5 Ways to Put our Online Business on Autopilot


These online business on autopilot owners claim that the company is on autopilot.

And making the income, they need to visit a new country every week while lounging on the beach with a cocktail.

While these are extreme examples, it is undoubtedly true that many processes can automate and at least streamlined, particularly in an online business on autopilot.

We are doing take various tasks off our to-do list, freeing you to focus on other things. Whether we choose to spend our time on different aspects of our business and relaxing on the beach is up to us!

1. Automate our Email Marketing

  • Email marketing is an excellent tool for many kinds of businesses. It helps to build strong customer relationships.
  • It can drive new leads, and it resolves to encourage repeat business. However, to practical, email marketing needs to be consistent.
  • And sporadically shooting emails out when we take time isn’t going to make an impact. And luckily, it automates by creating and scheduling email campaigns in advance in a tool like MailChimp.

2. Use a Scheduling Tool for Social Media

  • Social media is significant for promoting our business and attracting new customers, but it also is time-consuming.
  • However, we can largely automate it by using a social media scheduling tool like Hootsuite or CoSchedule.
  • These platforms allow us to draft and schedule our posts months in advance, and we usually copy posts across multiple platforms. And we are making things even more efficient.
  • Many tools also take excellent analysis and report functions, helping you lift your social media game simultaneously.

3. Outsource our Accounting

  • We are outsourcing perhaps the ultimate way to automate any process because it obliterates it off our plate. If we are looking to outsource parts of our business, accounting is an excellent place to start.
  • Take Outsourcing our accounting mean that not only is this a whole section of our business we don’t need to worry about, but we can rest easy knowing this critical function is being taken care of by an expert.

4. Use a Website Builder

  • For our website to be effective, we need to make sure it stays current and up to date.
  • And website builders are incredibly useful for creating our website and automating processes once the website is built, making sure we improve our website’s performance.
  • It continually updating and changing your site can be time-consuming, especially if it involves coding. However, if we build our site on a simple platform like Weebly, updating it is quick and easy.
  • We can minimize the need to do this by limiting our site’s information to generally fixed information and avoiding posting news and coming events directly to our website.
  • These will need to be updated continuously. And instead, think about taking a social media feed on our site’s front page, which is automatically updated.

5. Run Automated Survey Responses

  • Surveys are great ways its build customer engagement and loyalty: people love telling us what they think, and by asking our customers for feedback, we are showing them that we value opinions.
  • However, they are most effective if we don’t just send out surveys for customers to complete but reply to them.
  • Additionally, we don’t want this to be an empty process: our customers will likely take great suggestions we take on board!
  • Luckily, AI technology development means that we can now use AI bots to reply to survey respondents. And even distribute the suggestions to our team, so it contains actions.

Why our Business Must Upgrade to Windows 10 Now? – 5 Reasons


Business must upgrade our computers from older versions of Windows, we know that Windows 10 takes evolved.

Since its debut in summer 2015, it safer and extra efficient operating system. Here are eight reasons why it’s time to Business must upgrade to Windows 10 finally.

1. Microsoft Ending Support

  • However, Microsoft announced that it end technical assistance and security updates for Windows 7 on Jan. 14, 2020.
  • After that, if still running that outdated operating system, we open up our company to hacks, malware, viruses, and other potential future security flaws.

2. Ransomware Prevention

  • However, the computers were running older versions of Windows extra vulnerable to ransomware.
  • And windows 10 takes the feature to thwart ransomware from locking up the user’s work and personal documents on the computer.

3. Stronger Malware Security Tools

  • Windows 10 comes with the windows defender exploit guard, which scans for, quarantines, and removes malware.
  • In addition to ransomware protection, it includes other tools that use to stop zero-day attacks.
  • Moreover, it blocks and quarantines malicious programs on our computer and office network and isolates infected computers on our network.
  • And upgrading to Windows 10 gives us the option of subscribing to Windows defender advanced threat protection.
  • It’s the extra sophisticated, cloud-based service for managing security threats across our business’s Windows 10 computers.

4. Safer Web Browsing

  • Windows defender application guard available in windows ten enterprise and Professional.
  • It lets us use the edge browser inside the virtual machine. If the employee and we unknowingly contract malware by visiting the malicious website.
  • It won’t damage the computer and the network because it will confine inside this virtual machine.

5. Keeping our Frequent Business Contacts on the Taskbar

  • Let’s pin our business contacts as shortcut icons on the Windows 10 taskbar. And click the hero of the person to email them and start the video call through Skype. We can pin up to 10 contacts on the toolbar.