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How to Find and Generate Content for our Communities? – 5 Tools to Find and Generate Content


Generate Content for our Communities Definition

Generate content for our communities One of the most common and fatal errors of brands in social networks is the failure to update their Facebook, Twitter, G + pages, etc.

We understand that this mistake is generally not made intentionally, but our situation its become the same as that of thousands of other entrepreneurs.

And marketers who do not take all the time and creativity resources to generate new content every 2 hours and relevant to their fans.

1. Scoop. It

  • It’s the free platform for business with the online magazine format, which allows us to find and filter the content of our interest and then share it in the Scoop community.
  • And on our social networks. Scoop. It works based on topics or themes: technology, health, beauty, marketing, etc.
  • We can follow and get relevant information for us. Also, we can create our own “scoop.” And topic by defining keywords that filter the news to give us only information that fits our preferences.
  • And it suggestion engine of this application and the selection of sites that we take mark as favorites. Straightforwardly we can obtain information, share it, and create our online magazine and thus become the editor.

2. Reddit

  • We can discover what is trending and viral on the net throughout the world through this platform, whatever the topic.
  • Also, photos, articles, videos, graphics, and Reddit can find inspiration for our articles and share those that want interest to our followers.
  • What differentiates it from others platforms is that it works as a social network, forming a large community where people contribute information, news, news.
  • The rest of the community values, which allows us to know what people find relevant. It’s an excellent search engine that mobilizes and generates trends today.

3. Postcron

  • The positron developed excellent functionality to save an enormous amount of time searching and publishing Content.
  • Through the automation of this process, Postcron now not only allows us to schedule our publications on social networks.
  • If we run out of content, it provides it never stop taking our communities updated. Straightforwardly, we can choose up to 100 of our favorite influencers (brands, magazines, blogs, professionals, experts, etc.)
  • And filter the information through keywords that you define. Through the complex algorithm, The system provides the latest and greatest of our favorite sites and people.

4. Content Gems

  • Through Content Games, you can monitor generating noise on the web through the search engine that crawls more than 200 thousand pages.
  • At the same time, we discover what is most shared on social networks, always within the context of our interests, by selecting keywords and sources that we take defined as essential to us. Also, we can post the Content on Twitter, Facebook Pages, Google+, and LinkedIn.

5. Feedly

  • This free platform allows us to organize, read and share content that is relevant to us. The content can contain sections such as: “Today,” “Must read,” “Saved for later,” etc.
  • We can save articles on any of our devices since they always are in sync and share them on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Evernote, Pinterest, or LinkedIn. In turn, you can go to cloud.feedly.com

Also Read: What Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing? – 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing

What Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing? – 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing


Here 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing

1. Lack of the Clear Strategy and Action Plan

  • Statistics from mistakes to avoid in content Marketing Institute reveal one of the most problematic content marketing errors: 94% of B2B marketers carry out content marketing, but only 32% carry out the documented strategy.
  • The benefits of content marketing are countless, as long as the strategy appropriate to the needs and available resources develop.
  • Before creating, it’s essential to determine aspects such as the objectives to achieve the content.
  • Who are our buyer personas, the editorial calendar to follow, the promotion channels to use, and the work team in charge?

2. Please do not start with the Deep Investigation of our Target

  • Do we know what your potential client likes or prefers? In most cases, the answer is No.
  • But if our content is not focused on our target audience, failure is imminent clear about it.
  • We must ask ourselves questions like this:
  • What do we like, what worries us, what are our problems?
  • What are our interests, and where it usually documented?
  • Where can we find it? What time does it connect?
  • The more details of our potential buyer we take, the better the content we generate focus.
  • And we also know where and how to distribute it. In this way, And also we create relevant content.
  • Which it’s essential for an excellent user experience. If potential customers come to our website
    with certain expectations and deviate from that ideal, we lose our audience.

3. Publish in the Single Format

  • Content marketing is about writing blog posts, and there are different ways to express the messages.
  • We want to transmit. For this, we take advantage of the different resources offered by the web.
  • And infographics, videos, texts, audios, podcasts, gifs. And these are just some of the available options.
  • Also play with them so that our audience identifies the dynamism of the brand.
  • Also, combining the different formats get the audience out of boredom.
  • It specifies in the content strategy in which format we are going to publish each topic. And also make it easier to identify if monotony is invading our content.

4. Focus Solely on SEO

  • Don’t doubt for the second that we write for people, not for Google.
  • But we must indeed facilitate the path to our content for readers.
  • For this reason, it’s an excellent idea that optimization of content for SEO considers in our content plan.
  • Because if we create content using keywords and complying with specific rules dictated by Google.
  • We make it easier for our target to find us.
  • However, do not focus solely on SEO and fill our content with too many keywords; quality must remain the priority.
  • And focus on our users and on creating pieces of different, unique content that attract our readers.

5. Do not Measure and Analyze the Results

  • Leaving evaluation aside is not a good idea.
  • And this practice allows us to reinforce actions that take had good results and discard those that were of no use.
  • And content marketing is not about creating and publishing like non-stop machines.
  • Also, take the time to assess the numbers and adjust our strategy. Use measurement tools like SEO Ranking.
  • But keep in mind that results are not measured only by sales made.
  • Be interested in the leads obtained and how many times our publication has remain share, and we will soon see our profits increase. Try write business with non profit pricings.

Also Read: How to Develop the Digital Marketing Plan? – Plan, Points

What is the Interactive Digital Book? – examples, Precautions, and More


Interactive Digital Book is the type of E book that is part of an interactive content strategy and informs what is necessary.

Also, it stimulates the interaction that readers with the material. The E book is rich material.

It means that it integrates the Content Marketing strategy in which people download it to acquire knowledge on the specific topic.

How does the E book interact with its readers? Here are some examples:

  • While traditional e books bring forms to collect information from potential customers, an interactive digital book can do so through content.
  • Also, interactive e books bring content that changes as the reader interacts with them.
  • And interactive digital books focus on the answer the reader is looking it.
  • Let’s see an example of the three previous points.
  • And person downloads the interactive digital book on Content Marketing and, while reading it asked to answer questions such as the following:
  • Do you do Content Marketing? (X) Yes () No
  • And do you apply Content Marketing to a company? (X) Yes () No
  • And are you the owner or manager of this company? (X) Yes () No
  • Would you like to speak with a consultant about how to optimize our content strategy? (X) Yes () No
  • As the reader answers the following question, he adapts to that answer in this example.
  • Our answer that we do content marketing, so the next question was whether you do it in a company.
  • If we require an answer no, the interactive digital book can have asked if we can use content marketing and direct us directly to the topic that talks about the advantages of this type of material.

What Precautions when uploading files to the Interactive Digital Book?

  • Take we ever seen someone happy to bring to wait in line? Certainly not! And the same happens when we hope to download something on the Internet.
  • And even our E book. Of course, our connection speed can influence how quickly we download the PDF file.
  • However, if our interactive E book contains a lot of multimedia files, loading may take time.
  • Also, even with the fastest connections, increasing the chances of the worst-case scenario: the person stops consuming our content.
  • It prevents this from happening. Please pay close attention to the size files that we upload the E book according to the degree of relevance for the reader.

Also Read: What is Content Marketers in 2017? – Definition, 5 Must-Take Skills for Content Marketer in 2017

What is Content Marketers in 2017? – Definition, 5 Must-Take Skills for Content Marketer in 2017


Definition Content Marketers in 2017

Content marketers in 2017 are increasingly existence called upon to diversify their skills and play various roles on the team.

And modern marketers are rarely hired only to perform social media tasks; instead, they expect to write content, understand data, and work with sales to increase profits.

This year, spending on the digital marketing project increased by 12% to 15% on average.

To maximize the opportunities in this broadening field, marketers must consider learning and developing these ten skills.

1. Analytics

  • The whopping 84% of marketers indicate that they cannot measure and report their contribution to the company.
  • And business leaders want complex numbers on the impact of marketing to gauge the impact of campaigns.
  • And such, marketers need to become fluent in analytics to produce relevant data and prove the worth.
  • Also, marketers who can measure ROI are in high demand, as companies want to know what they are putting in and getting out.
  • And those who can continuously measure and alter campaigns based on data increase the chances of rising to higher positions within the company.
    Also in professionals who want to thrive must dive deep into the analytical mindset to stay on top.

2. Writing and Communication

  • Content marketing is alive and well, with 74.2% of companies saying that content marketing increases their marketing teams’ lead quality and quantity.
  • And while artificial intelligence and machine learning tools are becoming increasingly prominent in the marketing arena, nothing compares to the human-telling excellent story.
  • Also, marketers need to play a significant role in building their effective content strategy around the buyer’s journey.
  • And also, content plays a vital role in educating, informing, inspiring, and motivating buyers and prospects.

Also, marketers need to understand how to create content that converts at each of these levels.

3. Marketing Automation

  • Marketing automation can significantly increase our campaign performance and should be a required skill for any professional in the field.
  • And learning how to use automated workflows that continually nurture leads through emails or content is not easy.
  • But it works -research shows that marketing automation can drive up to 14.5% increases in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead.

4. Research

  • Marketing campaigns start with research, so honing this skill is essential.
  • Marketers need to take a deep understanding of buyers, market trends, analytics, and opportunities in their field – this requires advanced research skills beyond a Google Search.
  • With research skills, the marketer should focus on improving the subject matter expertise of the business.
  • And fast its better understanding of the buyer and market. Marketers that can research effectively – and quickly – are a bonus to any team.

5. Coding Skills

  • Marketers who don’t know HTML and CSS are probably becoming pains for the development team.
  • Also, learning the basics of both can help quickly resolve minor issues, such as blog or website changes.
  • And understanding how to modify the MailChimp template and research the competitor’s website also requires these skills, and these are becoming expected rather than desired skills.

What is Affinity Data? – Definition, Work, Future, and More


Affinity Data Definition

Affinity data, let’s say we take pin boards full of DIY ideas, a few crafting blogs that we frequent, and the email account connected to several crafting stores in our area.

On the weekends, we check in at our favorite craft fair using Facebook, and occasionally we Google new places to buy craft supplies.

The way interacts with websites and social communications (including email) provides affinity data.

In short, the “database of affinity” is the expansive portfolio of individuals’ likes and dislikes based on what they interact it.

The affinity data that you produce from all the characteristics listed reveals that, dang, we like crafts.

Unlike search intent, affinity is the long-term measurement. The idea is that we like something now. And chances are we are still going to like it in the year and two. It’s a measurement of emotional attachment.

How does Affinity Data Work?

  • Right now, if we were to search for “party games for kids,” we might get lists of ideas to incorporate into our child’s next birthday.
  • However, if  its complete into the search engine’s algorithm, it can know that we “liked” our friend’s shared link to grills on sale.

What is the Future is near in Affinity Data?

  • Who leading the affinity marketing revolution? Why, none other than Google, of course. Removing keywords is step one.
  • It’s integrating the new data is very likely to step two. We can already see the baby steps of the movement in Google’s integration of +1 data into search results.
  • But it’s going to much more extensive. Right now, affinity data is pretty much inaccessible. We take the data, but not any way to translate it into valuable information.
  • However, soon we see companies emerging to take on breaking down the raw information into meaningful statistics.
  • And checked in at the local YMCA and regularly receiving emails from the pool-building company.
  • Also, considering affinity, our results might show extra outdoor and even water-based games.

Also Read: What is the Website Content Audit? – Purpose, Conduct, and More

What is the Website Content Audit? – Purpose, Conduct, and More


The website content audit is the process that includes looking at all the content (data) in the website and the marketing funnel.

And it’s determining the strong and weak points of it to maximize the marketing activities. And its process is sometimes confused with the content inventory.

It’s just the list of all items on our website. When done effectively, a great content audit will help answer questions about which parts of the site an audience likes more and dislikes.

It gives clear insight into potential issues that must fix to enhance the productivity of our website.

Why is the Purpose of the Website Content Audit?

  • There are several reasons we want to conduct the website content audit, but usually, there are two main ones. SEO and Content Marketing.

1. SEO

  • When the website content audit complete for SEO purposes, the process helps understand the weaknesses of the site’s SEO.
  • And it’s dividing the different content into different categories associated with the site and using metrics, and we can understand what updates the site needs to enhance its SEO performance.

2. Content Marketing

  • The content marketer can use the content audit to understand how the website audience accepts the content. And what changes in content types and delivery must complete improving the site’s performance better.

How to Conduct the Website Content Audit?

1. Create the Spreadsheet Consisting of all the content assets

  • Before doing the content audit, we must find the content we want to audit. There are two options: manually searching through the site for URLs and using the tool to compile our content inventory.
  • It combines all of us URLs manually into the Excel and Google Doc spreadsheet can the very time-consuming project for the big website.
  • They are using DYNO Mapper’s content analysis tool because it can automate the entire process of compiling our content inventory.

2. Please find all the Asset Data, and it depends on the Objectives of the Content Audit

  • Now we use the columns we left in step #1. Find the data points of the pages and the site and paste them into our Excel. And Google Doc spreadsheet and open up DYNO Mapper after crawling our website.

Also Read: What are the Publishing Platform Guidelines? – 10 Guidelines for Publishing Platforms

What are the Publishing Platform Guidelines? – 10 Guidelines for Publishing Platforms


LinkedIn’s Publishing  platform guidelines is the ideal forum to develop and strengthen our professional identity by sharing our knowledge and expertise in our job. It’s tied to our professional profile.

What are the Guidelines for Publishing Platforms?

  • Here are some guidelines to consider as we use the publishing platform:
  • Content published on LinkedIn’s publishing platform remains our work. We own the rights to any original articles we publish.
  • We can request the deletion of our content from our platform at any time.
  • Also, LinkedIn can distribute our content, annotate our content example to highlight that our views may not reflect the views of LinkedIn. And sell advertising on pages where our content appears.

Also Read: What is the Content Inventory? – Definition, Organize, Inventory, and More

  • Expect that our articles its publicly available and can share.
  • And postings for job openings and job opportunities did not belong on our publishing platform.
  • Also, advertisements and promotions for events, products, and services did not appropriate content for article publishing. Advertisements can purchase using LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

Also Read: What is the High-Level Marketing Plan? – 3 methods

  • Also, remember to professional and did not post anything misleading, fraudulent, obscene, threatening, hateful, defamatory, discriminatory, and illegal.
  • We are responsible for the content of our articles, including any harm caused by us to others and damage caused through our use of this service.
  • And LinkedIn may restrict, suspend, and terminate our LinkedIn account and disable our articles for any violation of the User Agreement. Please refer to our User Agreement for complete details.
  • Also, LinkedIn disables accounts found using infringing content.

Also Read: What is Content Intelligence? – Three Steps Process, Benefits

Also Read: What is the Content Strategy Template? – Definition, Use, included, and More

What is Content Intelligence? – Three Steps Process, Benefits


Content intelligence uses AI and data to provide insights into content.

Also that can help marketers improve and optimize their strategy and make the content more compelling.

What are the Three Steps Process followed in content intelligence?

  • Most content intelligence systems follow the three-step process:

1. Data Collection

  • It’s usually from various sources, including web analytics, statistics from social media, customer surveys, our CRM, and other business metrics.

2. Analysis

  • During this phase, the system will mine the data to spot patterns, trends, and correlations.

3. Insights and Recommendations

  • After the data can analyze, the system can provide actionable insights to improve our content effectiveness and value.
  • Also, boost our ROI and better meet our customer needs.
  • It also makes predictions about future trends and how we can improve our content strategy in the future.
  • Also, content intelligence essentially helps marketers understand their content and audience better. So it can make better decisions and improve the content marketing strategy.

What are the Benefits of Content Intelligence?

  • Why must we consider using the content intelligence platform in our marketing efforts?
  • And content intelligence offers several benefits over the traditional research, production, and distribution process.

1. A Better Understanding of our Audience

  • Do we know who is consuming our content? Content intelligence provides valuable insights into our audience.
  • And which helps us better meet the needs.
  • Also it improve our targeting for higher engagement.
  • And its platform will look into all our customer data.
  • It including demographics, interests, preferences, previous interactions with our brand.
  • Also, browsing behavior provides valuable insights into the type of content we must produce.

2. Better Customer Experience

  • We can create more effective and valuable content for our actual audience (not just who we think we are writing for).
  • We all improve the overall experience for our customers and users and help to boost our brand reputation
  • And all our customers at the different stages of buying journey.
  • And also it can help us fine-tune our content marketing strategy to produce different types of content for all stages of this journey.
  • We can more easily guide initial leads through to sales.
  • And also keep our current customers engaged.
  • Also, it means we can “hyper-personalize” our content for the targeted audience.
  • It making it highly relevant and more likely to convert.