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What is Real-Time Marketing? – Definition, 3 Real-Time Marketing Tactics for B2B Marketers?


Real-Time Marketing Definition

Real-time marketing is marketing complete in real-time also marketing land defines it as

And the Real-time marketing and ‘RTM’ moments occur when brands and agency marketers react quickly to local, national, and global events online and offline.

And interject corporate marketing consumer conversations via social media messaging and boost brand recognition it utilizing marketing platforms.

But, like any new idea, real-time marketing takes mature. And B2B businesses in the brilliant position to incorporate real-time marketing into the marketing strategy.

What are the 3 Real-Time Marketing Tactics for the B2B Marketers?

1. Always Stay Listening (ABL)

  • Real-time market right, we need to take our ear to the ground and catch trends as they happen. Here are few ways.
  • And set up Google alerts on trends in our industry. And what are some of the buzz topics in our industry?
  • Also if we are coming up blank, conference agendas give ideas. Also for example, if we are in the hotel industry, big automation topic.
  • We force “hotel automation” into our Google alerts and scan them few times a week to see what’s trending.
  • And monitor all real-time events in our industry. What are our competitor’s responsibilities at industry events? Fix they take RTM on the website and social media?
  • And they were remarketing the visitors extra than we are top of mind when our prospect the ready to buy?
  • And follow the influencers carefully and develop relationships with them. It can advocates for our brand and help publicize our RTM efforts when applicable.
  • Also, follow industry publications and newsletters closely to remain current on trends, as well as common concerns and questions.

2. Resources

  • Take the resources in place to act quickly. And social media team succeeded because they were preparing. When the perfect opportunity appeared, they can pounce on it.
  • Also, in B2B, monitor industry events and use creative resources to act on current trends.
  • We also want to use the tool that harnesses maximum ROI from social media. That way, we can keep track of our brand mentions, curate the correct type of content for our audience, and make data-driven decisions.

3. Ambassad and Network

  • The effectiveness all when it comes to real-time marketing and opportunities short-lived. Also, we all need to get the message out quickly before the trend starts pointing downward.
  • And launching it, a successful real-time marketing opportunity relies on creative thinking and letting our customers know about our initiative.
  • And also, tap our employee advocacy programs and social ambassadors, and not only let them know about the initiative.
  • Also, ask them to share it online, lets the networks know about it. That’s the way it creates the maximum B2B marketing impact.
  • And sometimes, onboarding ambassadors can easily part but engaging them and holding on to them over time.
  • It can be much significant additional challenge. So remember to reward our ambassadors for the support.

And also: What is Content Marketing? – Strategy, SEO, and More

What is Content Marketing? – Definition, 4 Objectives


Content Marketing Definition

Content marketing is the marketing technique that seeks it create content that is interesting and relevant to users to attract and connect with them.

It generating content becomes one of the biggest concerns of companies regarding establishing contact with users. Content marketing is one of the most efficient strategies right now.

What are the Objectives of Content Marketing?

  • This marketing strategy aims to generate engaging content for the user, attracting their attention to attracting them.
  • And until they become customers. Also, there are other objectives, as we see below:

1. Achieving Visibility

  • Firstly, it is necessary and essential to play all possible creativity in content development.
  • Secondly, and making the more visual and dynamic publication will attract more customers than if it is done solely through text.
  • Lastly, its continuous innovation in the formats and processes used is necessary to generate interest.

2. Give value to the Company

  • The knowledge of the Company is one of the most powerful weapons it has if it shows that the Company is aware of the concerns.
  • And also interests of the consumer, from the perceptual point of view it understood with perfect eyes, existence able to establish the desires engagement between Company and consumer.

3. Customer Loyalty

  • The style of the published content is essential to connect with the specific consumer profile if there are common points of interest.
  • And  also customers feel grateful to the brand.
  • And they are loyal to it, bringing significant benefits to the Company, not only in sales but also in generating community around the brand.

4. Establish the Stable Network of Contacts

  • Getting noticed in the online environment thanks to content marketing can bring enormous benefits.
  • We did not consider getting customers but about being perceived as an essential brand in your niche.
  • And they are generating content that opens the doors to a large number of contacts. Also, conversion is essential in the development of content. And getting leads allows establishing future relationships.

Also Read: What is the B2B Marketing? – Definition, Metric for B2B Marketing, Five Metrics

What is the B2B Marketing? – Definition, Metric for B2B Marketing, Five Metrics


B2B Marketing Definition

These are the acronyms of B2B marketing, ” that is, from company to firm. Therefore, this type of marketing is one that not directs to the final consumer but to other companies.

They either sell them raw materials or other products they need (for example, office supplies). In business-to-business marketing, the customer is interested above all in optimizing their purchasing process.

And usually, the transactions take a higher value than in the consumer market. Due to these characteristics, B2B marketing relies on rational arguments.

What matters is not the emotions but the characteristics of the product or service. The B2B market is “thirsty for knowledge” and wants information as complete as possible through formats.

Such as videos, downloadable, and catalogs. In short, it’s about explaining the objective characteristics of the product in an extensive and details way.

What are Metrics for B2B Marketing?

What are Metrics for B2B Marketing?

  • The following question-answer is how to measure the success of b2b marketing campaigns with the help of marketing campaign templates. And it’s not an easy question: according to the recent study by Marketing Profs.
  • And only 21% of marketers can measure the return on investment of the content campaigns.

What are Five Metrics to Start Measuring Results in B2B Marketing?

1. Email Opening Rate

  • This metric mainly focused on knowing how good our headline is: manage to get our main customers?
  • If we use duplicate titles on our blog and website and in our emails, we can get an idea of the success on all our platforms.

2. Share on Social Networks

2. Share on Social Networks

  • We take already managed to attract the attention of our target audience, but this is useless if our content does not add value to them.
  • One way to objectively measure the value we bring to our users is through the number of posts shared on social networks. If they are interested enough to share it, we are on the right track.

3. Percentage of Output

  • Our content adds value to our audience, but it must also relate to our company mission. It’s useless to take the highly successful post if users did not continue browsing our website.
  • So it’s worth finding out which pages take the highest bounce and which are the last ones visited before leaving.

4. Lead Conversion

  • The next step is to convert the people who consume our content into leads. To do this, we need to convert them into leads and leave the data, for example, in exchange for the free e book.

5. Income

  • The definitive metric is that to measure the result of the marketing strategy is essential to establish the connection with sales. And Only then can we know the return on investment of our actions.

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What are Contact Points and Touchpoints? – Importance, Use


Contact points and touchpoints are times when consumers encounter our brand during the consumer journey.

Contact points and touchpoints it can take place before and after the purchase. Some touchpoints are positive and move us towards conversion. While others can negative and do not help create a good impression of our company or product.

And crucial that brands facilitate these points, creating attractive assets, initiating positive interactions with consumers.

And existence aware that the content created about our brand can influence the customer journey.

What are the Importance of knowing the Points of Contact with the customer?

  • We take already mentioned how customer touchpoints provide interactions and encounters between the customer and our brand. But what impact does this take on our business?

1. Promote Customer Retention

  • Touchpoints are the deciding factor for consumers throughout the journey, from discovering our brand its becoming advocates.
  • There is no phase of this relationship that does not include touchpoints, so how we plan. And create these moments can positively or negatively influence customer acquisition and retention results.

2. It Creates the Personalized Experience

  • Customer touchpoints can customize for demographic and individual consumers.
    And it worthwhile for marketers and product developers, as we did not take to create a single path and lose consumers.
  • And who can not interact with each touchpoint as we hope they can. There is room for agile, and that’s excellent news.

3. Improve Marketing Strategies

  • Touchpoints can help us measure and track our progress in the next section. And we explain various assets that we can create to facilitate our brand touchpoints.

How to Use surveys to Improve the Customer Experience at Touchpoints?

  • When we take advantage of consumer contact opportunities at various stages of the customer journey, it sure to improve them.
  • Moreover, the surveys are critical to the customer’s experience and in decision-making, as they allow the concerns.
  • And unlike the single question, Net Promoter Score is an excellent tool to know the level of satisfaction, but we do not know all the details to act accordingly.

Also Read: What is the Content Marketing, and what is Need? – Advantages, Types

What is the Content Marketing, and what is Need? – Advantages, Types


Content Marketing refers to the process of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content it attracts.

It acquires and retains a clearly defines audience to generate profitable actions in consumers.

Also, specialists point out that it is essential to work with well-developed and quality content to achieve these objectives.

What are the Advantages of Content Marketing?

Now that we know its definition, it’s essential to specify what are the benefits that Content Marketing can bring to our business :

It’s the best way to reach our target audience, offering them relevant and quality content.

And the perfect technique to improve the web positioning of our content, site, and commercial proposals.

It allows us to transmit the values of our brand.

It helps us attract and retain potential clients on Social Networks.

The creation of articles and content relevant to our audience enables us to use SEO techniques.

Also, it helps us to favor our appearance among the first Google search results.

What are the Types of Content Marketing?

  • However, as we take noticed by reviewing the previous statistics, more and more businesses understand its importance to reach their audiences through the Internet.
  • That is why Content Marketing is an increasingly irreplaceable way to position the brand.

1. Articles on our Site and Blogging

  • One of the best strategies to get the most out of content marketing is to create our articles on our blog and website.
  • And from there promote them on Social Networks. Why? Because it allows us to increase web traffic to our site and offer original and relevant content to our audience.

2. Email Marketing

  • Email Marketing, including sending newsletters and promotions to our audience via email.
  • Also, it’s an excellent way to keep our audience informed about our news and content and spread our commercial proposals.

3. Videos

  • The creation of videos, the integral part of the content marketing strategy, is very favorable since this kind of content is among the most shared on Social Networks.

4. Social media

  • Social Networks where we can find and interact with our audience is par excellence to spread our content.
  • Thus, we must remember to optimize our blog and site so that people can share our articles on Social Media.

Also Read: What is Content Curation on Social Media? – Essential, Combination

What is Content Curation on Social Media? – Essential, Combination


Content curation on social media on the premise that we did not take to write and produce all of the content we post.

Also, “content curation” and content curation on social media is the technique that consists of carrying out the search, compilation, filtering.

And the selection of the most relevant information that we find on the internet.

(social networks, blogs, web pages, etc.) to disseminated later with our audience.

And curating content is finding the content that our audience finds essential and valuable and repositioning it in a way that serves both our organization and our audience.

Why Essential we Curate Content for our Social Networks?

  • The key benefit of sharing curated content, rather than just the content.
  • We create, is that content helps us keep up with the demands of social media algorithms and the frequency of content we need.
  • It’s nearly impossible to create 12 and 24 pieces of content the day without taking advantage of content curation, like retweeting content.
  • And we are republishing the link, photo, video, and other significant details of the content we take found.

What is the ideal Combination and Curated Content Versus Original Content?

  • The perfect mix of how much content we must initially produce versus curated content can vary.
  • And also, not afraid to post and share more curated content.
  • And mainly when concentrating our efforts on creating more extended pieces of rich, original content.
  • It helps us keep our feed up to date if we can select the range to set and forget.
  • It’s reasonable for our social posting program to take 80%, 70%, and 60% curated content versus 20 and 30% of ours.

Also Read: How to Innovate in Content Marketing? – Useful, And More

Also Read: What are the Contents? – Types, Best Types of Contents

How to Innovate in Content Marketing? – Useful, And More


Innovate it start, and put ourselves in the situation. It invites us to reflect and ask ourselves two questions:

And innovate first of all, we take to ask ourselves: What is innovation? And it’s creating content that is not lazy.

Second, the question we must ask ourselves What is success? For him, success is neither luck.

And nor magic, nor is it the product of chance. Success is work, work, and work.

Also added to this, we must put ourselves in context. We are currently in a challenging time for companies and the media, NGOs, etc.

Because the user lost trust in them, the user is skeptical by nature, and it reached the point of not trusting any entity, any company.

What are the Useful Content in Innovation?

  • As the states, for content to users, it must meet these three requirements:
  • And the content that solves.
  • Also, the content that teaches.
  • And content that entertains.
  • However, if we apply the above to SEO, we can easily relate it to the searches that the user performs on Google to understand it better:
  • What does the user usually look like it? Have a specific problem solved for us. And, who expects to solve it? The most legitimate entity about that search.
  • But beware, content must not be limited to solving and teaching and its entertainment.
  • It is useless for content to teach us something if it does not entertain us.
  • When the user “consumes” content that is limited to solving and does not entertain.
  • And it forgets about it. Find that content, solve our problem or question, and probably won’t even bother to know who’s behind it.
  • On the contrary, the content meets these three requirements (solves, teaches, and entertains).
  • And the better chance of generating trust. That trust translates into references, in which they talk about it, in data that attest to that trust, and, ultimately, in sales.

Also Read: What are the Contents? – Types, Best Types of Contents

How to Share Content on Social Networks? – 3 Best Practices for Share Content on Social Networks


Content Social networks is the standard in today’s marketing, and the brand must present on all of these sites.

And Content Social networks the question is how to promote content through this channel? Taking the excellent content and positioning strategy in these channels can make and break all our marketing efforts.

A good inbound marketing strategy generates organic traffic, that is, not paid, for the brand. According to HubSpot, 76% of users enter Facebook looking for content that interests them.

Therefore, it’s very likely that the first contact of the person with the company and its offers is Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

1. Be as Human as Possible

  • Many users can recognize when the content is automated and publish at this stage of the game.
  • Scheduling and automating content posting a couple of times a week is acceptable, but sharing updates in this way alone makes our social media profile look like the post feed.

2. Adapt our Posts to each Social Network

  • The appeal of our content grows when we take advantage of the “personality” of each social network.
  • The same user may visit our brand’s profiles on Facebook and Twitter and feel more comfortable in the latter.
  • That is why adapting our posts to the characteristics of each channel makes the difference that attracts the right audience.
  • And Facebook allows us to write more, but we must stand out from many posts on the user’s wall.
  • The trick appeals to curiosity to get attention. And it does not mean using hooks and clickbait (it’s very frowned upon).

3. Recycle Content with our Industry Trends

  • Recycling content based on news and trends in our industry is a great way to extend our content’s helpful life and relevance.
  • And a blog post is not news, so we can always return to the topic if the contingency warrants it.
  • And imagine that president trump proposes the new economic model for foreign trade.
  • Also, a large number of companies start looking for information to adapt and solve the unique needs
  • And it’s not only unattractive. It also wastes opportunities to connect with users because we did not click on our content.

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